Accepted Payment Methods:

  • We accept payments via PayPal and credit card.

Payment Process:

  • Upon placing an order, you will receive an order confirmation email.
  • Your payment will be processed at the time of the order.

PayPal Payments:

  • You do not need a PayPal account to pay with a credit card through PayPal.
  • You can check out as a guest and enter your credit card information on PayPal to complete the transaction.
  • Alternatively, you can sign up for a PayPal account for a convenient and secure online shopping experience.

Credit Card Payments:

  • We accept major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
  • Ensure that your billing information matches the information on your credit card statement to avoid delays in order processing.

Import Taxes and Duties:

  • Shipping fees do not cover duties and taxes.
  • Customers are responsible for any applicable duties and taxes associated with shipping.
  • We do not accept returns of packages because the buyer refuses to pay customs duties and taxes or fails to pay them.

Refunds and Returns:

  • Please refer to our Return Policy for details on refunds and returns.

For any payment-related questions or issues, please contact our customer service team at

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